COVID 19 vaccination readiness among Sri Lankan university students – A preliminary study

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dc.contributor.advisor Arulnathan, J Shaminy, S Ishani, P.G.E Wijesinghe, D.M.A.S.M Rathnasooriya, P.H.D.S Dayasena, D.M.D.R.A.M 2022-12-29T04:34:02Z 2022-12-29T04:34:02Z 2021-10
dc.description.abstract Societal uptake of a COVID vaccine is a critical concern given that vaccines can only facilitate herd immunity if there is high vaccine coverage among the population. There is a need to identify empirically supported strategies to increase uptake. This study investigated the readiness of Sri Lankan university students for COVID vaccination. A cross sectional descriptive study was set out and Non-random sampling was used to recruit the participants. A self-administered online questionnaire was used to collect the data. Among the 520 university students participated in this study, 91.6% of the total participants have stated that they would take the vaccine if it is offered while 5.2% have stated that they are not decided. The acceptance of vaccination was significantly associated with gender (p=0.004) and undergraduate course (p=0.001). Protecting themselves, their families and community was the main concern for accepting the vaccine while nearly 30% was afraid about unknown side effects. The readiness of Sri Lankan university students for COVID vaccination is highly favourable. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher FHCS, EUSL en_US
dc.subject COVID-19 en_US
dc.subject Vaccination en_US
dc.subject Acceptance en_US
dc.subject Hesitancy en_US
dc.subject University students en_US
dc.subject Sri Lanka en_US
dc.title COVID 19 vaccination readiness among Sri Lankan university students – A preliminary study en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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