Primary care is the patient's first contact with the health system. The aim is to provide universal health access through a family doctor who is responsible for a smaller population and to build the concept of " a primary ...
Sharp related injuries are the major occupational hazard among health staff. Wearing appropriate personal protective equipment is essential to prevent the injuries and therefore minimizing the risk of transmission of blood ...
Menstruation is a normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as a part of a woman’s monthly cycle. Variations in menstrual patterns are frequently observed among young females. Menstrual patterns can be affected by a number of ...
This study was carried out to assess the knowledge on asthma among the primary school teachers in selected schools of Batticaloa zone at Manmunai north division. 162 of school teachers responded to the questionnaire and ...
Over the last few decades as the number of motor vehicles in Sri Lanka has increased, there has been an associated increase in RTAs, along with that there has been an increase in fatalities, grievous injuries, and damage ...
This study was carried out to find out sociodemographic distribution, clinicopathological status & management of cervical cancer in the oncology unit of teaching hospital Batticaloa. A retrospective study was conducted ...
Weerasekara, H.A.N.H; Brussothman, M; Lakmalee, M.N; Madhushan, A.M.D(FHCS, EUSL, 2023-08)
This study was carried out to find out the Prevalence of Diabetic Foot Ulcers, Knowledge on Foot Care and Association Factors Among Adults type 2 Diabetic Mellitus patients who attend the diabetic follow–up clinic at ...
In today's society, social media has become an almost indispensable part of daily life, particularly among students, who are generally heavy social media users. There has been various overview and opinions about advantages ...
Bandara, K.U.M; Ajithra, M; Kawshalya, W.B.T; Vindula, R.C(FHCS, EUSL, 2023-08)
Social media are internet-based mobile platforms that enwrap the global community in a closer sphere and with the advancements in technology, people have much tendency to use social media. Facebook is the most preferred ...
Rajapaksha, A.P.C.G; Bandara, J.M.A.S.R; Thanushan, M; Sanomya, V(FHCS, EUSL, 2023-10)
According to the WHO, stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain. Stress is our body’s response to any thing that requires attention or action. Everyone experiences ...
Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day and is regarded as a major dietary source of energy. Today, skipping breakfast has become the norm. In particular, among advanced level students, skipping breakfast ...
Pre-menstrual syndrome is a collection of menstruallly-related disorders characterized by physical, psychological and behavioral changes during the luteal phase, which can interfere with daily activities. Common symptoms ...
Thalassemia is a genetic disease affecting red blood cells. It is characterised by the decreased or absent synthesis of the globin chain. Approximately 300,000 children are born globally with serious haemoglobin disorders ...
Weerasooriya, N. W. A. C; Kirubalini, P; Tharushika, M.N.G(FHCS, EUSL, 2024-08)
"Work-life balance" is about striking a balance between one's personal and professional lives. Achieving work-life balance is a crucial challenge for nurses, balancing demanding shifts, patient care, and personal life. It ...
Diabetes mellitus is a long-term condition affecting millions of people globally, requiring continuous medical care and management. Many people with diabetes depend on insulin for their treatment. Lack of knowledge, attitude, ...
Heart failure (HF) is one of the major causes for morbidity and mortality worldwide including in Sri Lanka. Engaging adequate physical activity results in positive outcomes. Exercise self-efficacy has a crucial part in it. ...
Thilakarathna, K. W. M. M; Maduwanthi, H. A. D; Dissanayaka, D. M. K. C; Risniya, A. H. F(FHCS, EUSL, 2024-08)
Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. It is most often caused by a bacterial or viral infection that moves into the cerebral spinal fluid. Meningitis is more common ...