Knowledge on prevention of leptospirosis among farmers of Kalahagala area in Polonnaruwa District

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dc.contributor.advisor Umakanth, M.
dc.contributor.advisor Thenakoon, Sampath Adhikari, A.M.M.U. Amarasingha, S.D.P. Wickramasinghe, W.M.V.S. 2020-05-06T07:25:56Z 2020-05-06T07:25:56Z 2020-02
dc.description.abstract Introduction: Leptospirosis is considered to be the most widespread disease transmissible from animal to man. It is a zoonotic bacterial disease that affects vulnerable populations such as rural subsistence farmers. The disease manifestations are many and varied, ranging in severity from mild febrile illness to sever, and sometimes fatal disease. Although leptospirosis causes lifethreatening clinical manifestations, such as pulmonary hemorrhage syndrome, and has a worldwide distribution, the key barrier to addressing this neglected disease is the insufficient data on its disease burden. Community awareness about the disease and its preventive methods can eliminate the disease burden from the society. Objectives: The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding prevention of leptospirosis among farmers of alahagala area in Polonnaruwa district. Method: This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out over a period of one year, in the community in Kalahagala (GN) division, Thamankaduwa Medical Officer of Health (MOH) area, in Polonnaruwa district. Simple random sampling method was used to select the sample. After obtaining written consent, data was collected through a pre-designed and pre-tested Interviewer Administered Questionnaire. Collected data was analyzed using a chi squared test to test the relationship between the educational level and knowledge on leptospirosis prevention. Results: A total of 194 respondents were interviewed. The p value obtained from the chi squared test was 0.070 with a 95% confidence interval(which is less than 0.050).so there is no significant association between knowledge of leptospirosis and education level .The findings alsoindicated that a knowledge gap was existed about leptospirosis in the community that could be improved by creating an awareness program. Conclusion: Overall knowledge and practice regarding the leptospirosis was inadequate although attitudes regarding the leptospirosis were adequate among the study sample. To strengthen the leptospirosis control programme, effective education of both the public and health professionals with thorough and adequate knowledge on leptospirosis management should be included in the awareness programme. en_US
dc.publisher FHCS, EUSL en_US
dc.subject leptospirosis en_US
dc.title Knowledge on prevention of leptospirosis among farmers of Kalahagala area in Polonnaruwa District en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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